You were God’s idea. You were designed to live out a personal story. Every living
creature has a built-in longing to fit in like a piece of the puzzle. The design begins
when you birth a relationship with God. Within you there is a void that longs for
Him. This is called a longing for His purpose. Missing His purpose is missing life.
A healthy tomorrow begins when you tap in on His purpose.
Life some place has meaning. The temporal is a short term visit. Did you ever ask
yourself what you wish to become? Today has no crystal balls and randomly you
do not wake up where you need to be. Significance comes with a plan. Did you
ever ask yourself what do you want me to become?
You were not designed by God to be pushed, but to be pulled by something. This
is a process. That “pull” calls us to a plan. You will never grasp full meaning of
life apart from what God is up to in this world. Without purpose you are
incomplete. Life always takes on added dimensions when you submit to God. His
fingerprints are etched on your soul.
What about your gifts and passions? There are reasons for your gifting. This is
part of your unwritten design, but you must get in harmony with your design.
Success is not comparable to others, but it is all about what you are supposed to
do! God works by a value system. His value system differs radically from ours.
The world defines success by looking at things like status, income, achievement,
and job titles. Success is doing it God’s way and it is not by comparison. Success
in God is what we have done compared to what we are supposed to do. God has
a mission built in you to accomplish.
Jesus was very successful because He completed all that the Father assigned Him
to do. We could have never designed the Savior’s plan. His mission was to
accomplish His purpose. If you want to understand your mission you can get a
pretty clear picture by looking at your gifts, skills, and passion.
Your level of belief holds you where you are. The next writing will enlarge on
looking beyond your circumstances and beliefs. This is not about the power of
positive thinking. Our focus is about spiritual truths.