You were God’s idea. You were designed to live out a personal story. Every living creature has a built-in longing to fit in like a piece of the puzzle. The design begins when you birth a relationship with God. Within you there is a void that longs for Him. This is called a longing for… Read More »
You are not designed by your Creator to be pushed through life, but to be pulled by something so completely irresistible. That irresistible something is called purpose. Value may tell you what you believe, but purpose tells you what to do with your beliefs. Plain and simple, the Holy Spirit wants to lead you. Life… Read More »
Intimacy with God is a very interesting subject. It is available to you personally. Intimacy is as accessible to you as any of God’s promises. God invites you to have fellowship and be intimate with Him. Here is where you put your faith to the test more than anything else. James 1: 2-4, Consider it all joy… Read More »