You are not designed by your Creator to be pushed through life, but to be pulled by something
so completely irresistible. That irresistible something is called purpose. Value may tell you
what you believe, but purpose tells you what to do with your beliefs. Plain and simple, the
Holy Spirit wants to lead you.
Life is not getting the “best.” Life is about completing your design. You can only complete this
by conversion of the heart. Our surface attention is on jobs, friends, social, and such, but
underneath that all is the looming nagging question of why am I here? and where am I going?
This is called God’s will.
Here is the big question: Has your purpose served any real purpose? Has your purpose served
the way you are supposed to live? Remember, life has purpose and life has meaning! Life is
meaningless without purpose. God’s meaning in your life should show up in your daily
calendar, your check book, and your daily routines. Peace comes with meaning. Never forget
that God places things in your heart to accomplish–it’s called His will for you.
Give consideration now to the desires of the heart. It all begins with a heart with pure desires.
Pure desires lead to purpose. God pulls on this desire. Here is where you begin to build
maturity. On the other hand, we know that the heart can be deceitfully wicked. Here is where
the Psalmist says (Psalm 37:4) delight thyself in the Lord (His pull), and he shall give you the
desires of your heart. This is God pulling you back to what Adam and Eve lost in the Garden.
Purpose drives you forward to break free from negatives (sin) that frustrate harmony with Him.
Remember: there is a part of that heart that needs to grow!
All this is not about feelings. Just because something “feels right” doesn’t mean that God is in
it. Other methods of finding purpose and God’s will be under girding, such as counsel, godly
friends, and scripture. The point is that when you get in tune with godly desires of your heart,
then you have a vital channel as you move forward.